5 Things I did to lose a few pounds

Whenever I’d tell someone, “I’m on a diet,” they’d respond with, “How’s it going?”

And I know… they’re only asking about one metric. They’re asking, so “Did you lose weight?” Which is valid. However, most people rarely get more specific.

They’re not asking, “Are you eating more vegetables?” “Are you drinking more water?” “Have you found an activity you enjoyed doing most days, apart from binging on food?” Or have you figured out meal prep and shopping?

These are the questions we don’t often think of when considering dieting, yet, all of those metrics matter more to our long-term success.

And so here are five things you can do right now to shred a few pounds in a few days and feel at your best.

5 Things I Did to Lose a Few Pounds Under 30 Days.

1) Don’t overeat on this.

Carbohydrates are poisonous to the body. Challenge yourself not to eat too many carbohydrates.

The data shows nearly half the foods we eat come from carbs. This includes both refined and unrefined carbohydrates. Now what are those, you’ve asked?

Well, refined carbohydrates are processed foods like white sugar, fruit juices, flour, white rice, white bread, etc. Whereas unrefined carbs, you’ll find in fruits, veggies, and whole grains. These are natural foods. Good for your body, mind, and soul.

The solution is this:

Eat foods that are Low in calories and rich in nutrients.

30 Days Weight Loss Challenge: Before and After Pics
Writer photo: Green smoothie| 04/26/21

When you eat low-calorie — high-nutrient foods, you are protecting your health in so many ways.

For one, you are improving the liver’s detoxification capabilities and enhancing the kidneys and hormone function.

In her book, The 50 Secrets of the World’s longest-living People, author Sally Beare reminds us of the importance of eating fresh produce. She explains that, when we eat dark leafy greens, avocado, fruits 🍎 🥝, whole grains, fish, beans, and probiotics regularly, our bodies lose the extra weight we may have taken on from processed foods.

The Mediterranean diet, the diet choice she mostly prescribed in The 50 Secrets of the World’s longest-living People, is a diet that is packed with healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein that your body desperately needs to perform cognitively, and physically at its best.

#2. Say No to Alcohol or Sugary Drinks. 

Instead, I want you to drink at least eight ounces of water daily. Do you think you can do that?

Of course, you can!

This will help you lose weight faster.

I am exaggerating here when I say this. It just works.

Depending on your size and activity level, the minimum dose requirement is about two glasses before noon or half a gallon before bedtime.

I promise you, It will help enhance your skin, and improve your mobility and flexibility.

However, it will take some time before you’ll get used to it, to start seeing results.

#3. Find an Activity You Enjoyed Doing Most Days

If you previously struggled with weight loss, or are in the process, perhaps you might want to give meditation a try. That is if it’s up in your alley.

Other activities such as walking, even 30 min a day, can help you shed a few pounds.

Swimming is another one. Doing chores around the house is another one. These activities, as boring as they may seem, can do wonders for your brain and well-being.

Our body requires physical stress not only to survive but also to thrive.–Kelly McGonigal.

In her book, The Upside of Stress, author, Kelly McGonigal, observed that not all stress is bad for you. She said, some stress is necessary and recommended. She explains that our bodies thrive under stress.

On the other side of your workout is the body and health you want. Doing some high-intensity training two or more days per week, for example, is highly crucial to your mobility in the long haul.

In addition, it’ll reduce your risk of certain diseases, improve sleep, and help with weight management. Therefore, adding 4 to 5 hours per week doing strength training exercises should be non-negotiable.

#4. Snack on healthy snacks Throughout the day

30 Days Weight Loss Challenge: Before and After Pics
Writer photo: Grapes | 04/26/21

I’d recommend that you snack on healthy snacks instead of potatoe chips, or what have you. Ideally, go for a few mixed nuts, fruits, seaweed, dark chocolate, and eat them in moderation. Especially grapes, since they’re packed with too many sugar. Lately i’ve been dipping fruits such as carrots for instance, in hummus or guacamole.

They tasted better. Not to mention its a habit that can help lower cholesterol and help regulate your blood sugar levels.

I also try not to eat three hours before bedtime.

For example, If your bedtime is 9:00 pm or 9:30 pm at the latest, then your last meal must be around 6:30 pm.

Doing so will help put a cap on your body’s digestive system, to process the foods during that gap, and not while you’re asleep.

But If you don’t follow these protocols, from my experience, you’ll gain more weight the next day.

#5. Figure out your meal prep and shopping list.

You can make a list of what you will have each day so that you can accurately shop for what you truly need.

For me, I try to meal prep at the end of the week, that way I know exactly what I need and have or don’t have.

Doing so will save you time and money. So find a day that’s best for you and commit to it.

Writer photo: meal prepping| 07/30/21

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Also, an easy way to add more protein to your diet is by having nonfat Greek yogurt with your breakfast.

A protein-rich breakfast will break your hunger and help you cut calorie consumption at a faster pace.

These are the 5 Things I did to lose a few pounds.

How I Lose 13 lbs. In 3 Weeks

To gain the upper hand on your appetite, cut your calorie intake by up to 500 calories a day.

But then again, it depends on the individual.

As for me, I tracked my intake using an app like MyfitnessPal. It’s not comfortable, but I do what I gotta do.

Anyway, I hope this was helpful to you, I wish you all the best along this journey.

Thank You for reading.

Till next time, have a wonderful day.

Stay strong.


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